All posts by DockaRecords


EPISODE DOC004: SAVANNAH – HATERADE – Exclusive on Beatport 10-31-15

HATERADE: With amazing recent support from the likes of Skrillex to Krewella, Docka Records proudly brings HATERADE to the label continuing to focus on the art of music above all else. Beginning in early 2013, Noah Lloyd and Mike Kenny have taken trap music into their own direction from their home in Southern California. With one stemming from a hip-hop/dubstep background and the other from a progressive house/complextro background, the combination of their two acts seemed unlikely; however, after experimenting with the once up-and-coming trap music, the two immediately struck gold.

THE EGGMAN – An electronic artist hailing from Melbourne, Australia who tackles both the heavy and chill sides of electronic music. He is a fast rising producer dabbling in the genres of Trap, Future Bass, and Chill Beats, who brings a unique and refreshing spin to bass music. With an impressive list of releases under his belt, as well as features on popular music channels such as the EDM Network (Trap), The Eggman is showing no signs of slowing down.

DOCKA: The anonymous producer out of Los Angeles and also name of the character behind the inspiration of the self-titled label, focusing on the artists and music with a ‘story’ tied to it that is expanded on through each release.


Act 4: Docka crawls through the crowd, lighters, pills and glowsticks, leading him to the outside where he runs into HATERADE as they’re rushing to the airport. Docka explains his dire situation and they offer to help him escape. The duo hide Docka in their turntable cases undetected, as the Agents swarm the crowd. In hopes of avoiding any more trouble, DOCKA activates a sub-atomic-warp-path to the other side of the planet, onto the Australian tropics.

As they settle into the camouflage of the jungle, the rain begins to come down on them. As they rush to find shelter, DOCKA trips on an unknown object and is mesmerized by its glow. It begins to follow him as he catches up to the others inside a nearby cave. Around midnight, the object rolls around for several hours until it cracks open, revealing itself to be an egg. As The Eggman spawns from inside, he emits a booming frequency that causes a landslide to crash down on the entrance to the cave that they found. Trapped with HATERADE, a new frequency transmission was born igniting DOCKA’s atomic-compound-energy. Their glow radiates onto the walls of the cave, illuminating the letters that read: S A V A N N A H.



After a long trip seeking to escape, Docka flees to Las Vegas with hopes to get lost in the sea of people at an electronic music festival to escape the agents that are following close behind. They are catching on to the Docka mission, have intercepted the signals and have planned an ambush backstage. D.R.U. and Gunshow have just finished performing when they see Docka sneaking under the tent. Docka pleads for help to generate his transmissions seeing the connection with what they were performing. The agents are getting near, so they plot to escape through the crowd undetected when…

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While Docka gets accustomed to life on Earth, he quickly learns that it was no coincidence that he crash landed here. The people of Earth need Docka’s help to survive it’s ultimate destruction. With the help of Phenex, Docka builds a translating device using old synthesizers and drum machines, to try and communicate his message to the people. The transmissions are quickly intercepted, so Docka leaves in the middle of the night without a trace.

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